
Software / application / website, API, communication / notification, and data systems / structures / solutions vary, dramatically, in complexity, functionality, scale, etc. The range and variations of the associated component and support packages and costs to design, develop, support, maintain, migrate, evolve, advance, improve, etc., these systems vary equally as much.

Our basic / starter websites have a standard base cost that starts around $1,000.00 (this price can vary slightly depending on a variety of factors). This includes the handful of basic / core / foundational pages that you'd expect to find on most websites, including but not limited to the following core pages:

  • Home
  • Contact
  • About
  • Privacy Policy
  • Potentially, a few other basic / core pages, based on the type of company, business, or agency.

All websites, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), etc., we develop are fully responsive (are legible / usable and fully functional on devices with any screen size [desktop/laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.]).

In addition to the cost of development of the basic / starter website, we also charge a $20/mo fee (charged annually [$240/yr]) for our basic development, support, & maintenance package which includes: domain registration, the domain, hosting & hosting setup, SSL, UI (basic / core pages), logo & favicon, email accounts / addresses, SEO, & Google Analytics.

The systems / structures / solutions we design and develop range from our basic / starter website (described above) to large-scale, complex, Enterprise class systems (e.g. ERP & EHR systems, systems for Small, Medium, & Large Businesses, etc.).

Our base / standard development rate ranges, on average, between $50/hr to $150/hr, depending on the project and a variety of factors.

Please contact us to schedule a time to discuss any project(s) you're interested in working on and we can let you know how we can help, provide recommendations, rates, approximate / estimated time frames, initial project estimations, etc.

Contact Us
First Name
Last Name
Company (Optional)

Please provide at least one of the following two fields (Email Address &/or Phone Number):

Phone Number
Phone Type
Email Address
Please describe your project (max 1,000 characters):
By submitting this form I confirm that I have read and accept the Equilibrium Software Development Privacy Policy
  • We will send you an email &/or text message notifying you that we've received your request and have started working on it.
  • We will analyze your request and requirements and will reach back out to you as quickly as possible (typically, within three business days).
  • We may sign an optional mutual NDA within 1-2 business days to make sure you get the highest possible confidentiality level.
  • We will present you with our project recommendations, rates, approximate / estimated time frames, and/or an initial project estimation within approximately 3-5 days.